• Arts & Entertainment,  Blog,  Culture,  Religion


    Catching Covid-19 virus is a fear that is real, Nothing to be trifled with, it’s a very big deal. Getting a positive is a challenge and a test of will, Hoping & praying that your breath will not still.   From far & wide well-wishers send prayers & support, Backed up with fruits & vegs that they kindly bought. They boost the morale in more ways than one, Thoughts dwell on when can we go out & feel the sun.   The days of quarantine are disconcerting & long. Are they sure that they did not get the test so wrong? Finally, the call comes in to end the seclusion.…

  • Arts & Entertainment,  Blog,  Culture,  Religion

    Moments of Reflection!

    I wrote this poem dedicated in loving memory of my dear Ate Betty Veranga, who sadly succumbed to Covid-19 several weeks ago. The enormity and extent of this Pandemic may seem nothing to some people. Others insisted that this whole thing is a hoax manufactured by the mainstream media. That is why we see some people who are too complacent in their approach. They are even ignoring and discrediting the precautionary measures imposed by their local authorities on how to help curb the further spread of the Corona Virus in their communities. I may blatantly say that until you yourself carry this virus; your family members, friends or loved ones…