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Travel with me

Travelling has been one of my immense dreams. After visiting to more than thirty countries it has inclined me to write this book in a plain, simple way I wish to share the feeling, smell, sights, and sound that I personally encountered, as well as the weird and wonderful things I experienced during my travels that apparently according to IBN Battuta, a Moroccan Muslim traveller and scholar who said that ‘Travelling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.’

For a period, I hesitated to push through writing my texts, thinking who would believe me in the first place other than myself and perhaps some of my relatives and closest friends?

Marco Polo, a famous merchant traveller from Venice, said in his deathbed that ‘I did not write half of what I saw, for I knew I would not be believed’. In my case, I did my best to write down everything I considered significant that I could possibly recall. Of course, my encounter was not as outlandish compared to Marco Polo’s experience. I could have probably travelled conveniently and visited more places easily should I had a flying carpet or had met the likes of a mighty and generous Kublai Khan. (Kublai Khan, a grandson of Genghis Khan, was at one time the leader of the Mongolian Empire that laid claim to Central Asia, Russia, China, Northern India, and the entire Middle East.)

I love to travel as often as I possibly can and always hopeful to add more names to my ‘Countries Travelled’ list. In addition to ticking or crossing out more lines from Hillman’s Top 100 Wonders of the Word list, which I used as benchmark and considered as an institution when looking for reliable insights. Reading the book Travels of Marco Polo had fascinated me for his audacious vagabonding in strange lands. It has been said that Travels of Marco Polo is one of the world’s most remarkable books. It has delighted its readers and inspired a lot of people including Christopher Columbus to traverse the vast sea and explore the unknown world that then leads to the discovery of some great civilisations. And the rest is history.

 If you haven’t started to sojourn yet, for now, travel with me as I feature my old photographs and do a lot of reminiscing over the fun worldwide travels that I am passionate about. The exploration I enjoyed over the past few years, the travel wonders that I was fortunate to see firsthand, I will always and forever cherish as long as I live.

I am more than delighted to share it with you, hoping that it may inspire you and may ignite your passion to start with your own journey. It may help rekindle those suppressed, perhaps forgotten wishes of yours.

Be bitten by the travel bug.

Make your dreams happen, pack your bag, hit the road, and start your journey. Remember, every journey needs a deliberate step as Lao Tzu had said thousands of years ago which still echoes to this day, ‘a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step’.

More details about my travels can also be found in my book entitled INSPIRED TO TRAVEL; TRAVEL TO INSPIRE – A TRAVEL MEMOIR, available on, as well as Barnes and Noble websites.