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My Take on “Paradise Lost”

“Paradise Lost” an epic poem by the English poet John Milton,

A book bought from a quaint antique shop in Hunstanton.

Chipped as it was still I gratefully and frenziedly acquired,

Voluminous 1883 edition, to read it more time is required.

A book widely popular among scholars many have told me,

Reluctantly it took me ages to finally learn and see,

Read that book “Paradise Lost”; it is a treat to behold.

Take time to grasp its intended gist for what it foretold.

So much to learn from this centuries-old literary piece,

First published in 1667 hailed as Milton’s masterpiece.

The poem concerns the Biblical story of the “Fall of Man”,

Written in a Blank verse type of poetry as lines span.

There is so much to learn in this poem as everyone knows,

This line I bet resonates with all, my fav is and here it goes.

Milton says, “Solitude sometimes is the best society.”

Indeed, lest prolonged isolation drives us all to insanity.

By:  Joan Amorganda
  • Poem, poetry, my poem, poetry challenge, quote, quotes, quotation, quotations, verse